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  Album includes the below tracks sung by the Tropical Song Fest 2021 Singers 1. Feet On The Ground 1 2. Hold On 1 3. Hamba Natil 1 4. Cherokee Morning Song 1 5. Thuma Mina 6. Improv Welcome Warm Up 7. Chaingang Medley 8. Let It Shine 1 9. Homeless 10. Applause 11. Hold On 2 12. Cherokee Morning Song 2 13. Let It Shine 2 14. Hamba Natil 2 15. Whoosh
Tropical Song Fest 2021 – Singers
Traditional Bambara Song. West African song honour the work the women do in the world. 9 tracks of All parts, Soprano, Alto, Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bass, Shaker, Wood Blocks, Lower Wood
    Take Me Cocoa - Zap Mama.  World Music Groove based song in 5/4 then Common time.  9

Tracks include, Mix, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Soprano Solo, Alto Solo (Which incorporates He Ho Te Lower Layer), He Ho Te Upper, Yi ha ha Solo (Groove rhythm part)

Take Me Cocoa – Zap Mama
    Joy of Singing Winter Camp Singers - Recordings of the Songs Sung during the 5 day workshop June 2023 in Bellingen NSW Australia.  Collection includes 33 tracks of various versions of the songs.  Or you can select individual Tracks.
Joy of Singing Winter Camp 2023 Singers
    Adeamus (Adiamus) by Karl Jenkins Parts include Mix, Soprano, Alto, Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bass, Solo
Agoro Yede  – Akan (Ghanaian) Folk Song (‘Tis Good To Play) Arranged by Fred Onovwerosuke 5 Tracks inlude Mix Track, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Agoro Yede
by Valanga Khosa 5 Tracks include Mix track, Soprano 1 & 2 Softer, Alto 1 & 2 Softer, Tenor 1 & 2 Softer, Bass 1 & 2 Softer.
Ah Elunde
Tracks include, Mix, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass.
Alleluia Amen
Aweh Zamangwaza – all parts together. This is a Traditional West African chant to support the transition of boys becoming men and women letting go of their sons. The boys are taken into the bush and taught how to survive and look after themselves. During this process they make a spear and are taught how to hunt with it. Then they come back to the village singing this song. As they get close the village joins in. The literal translation is “He who carries his own stick does need his mother anymore.”
Aweh Zamangwaza
  Combination of 2 songs, Asalaam Aleikum & May the Love 5 Tracks include Mix Track, Soprano Part with other parts softly in the background. Alto Part with other parts softly in the background. Tenor Part with other parts softly in the background. Bass Part with other parts softly in the background.
Asalaam May the Love
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